TOP 7 best platforms to work remotely 2022

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many changes, both in daily life and in work. One of the most profound was remote work that, in many cases, is intended to be maintained even when pandemic conditions vary. Has it been your case? Have you been through or gone through these changes? If so, the platforms to work remotely that we will present to you will surely be very useful .

The online job can be even more productive than is done within companies or offices, but this can only be achieved with good organization.

If you have not yet found the best method to coordinate with your team, do not miss the 7 best platforms with which you can enhance not only your work but also the business you are part of.

Working remotely: how to get started?

For work from home, two types of arrangements must be put into practice: one that has to do with outer space and another more associated with systematization and organization.

When it comes to space, you have to know that remote work requires as much or more commitment than face-to-face work, so you have to find a place within your home where you can concentrate without distractions.

On the other hand, it is important to sectorize the place where you will prepare to work. This means that you distance him as much as possible from your daily life so that you can separate your chores from your work duties.

“Large spaces or exclusive rooms are not required. You can start by allocating a desk or table to locate your papers and the computer with which you connect with the company or entity.”

Once you have organized the physical environment to work remotely , you must nourish yourself with tools to work remotely that privilege both order and communication with the rest of the team.

How to work remotely and not fail in the attempt?

Working remotely from home is a challenge. Faced with this, platforms for working remotely are a great help because many of them give you order, concentration and bring teams together in a kind of virtual office where, although it is hard to believe, things are lost much less than when they are they moved from desk to desk.

It is important to have both an order with the times that are associated with the work and with the procedures for each of the tasks that you have to perform.

The telecommuting may be in pleasant end provided that chaos that invades your moments of rest and that you develop all that remains registered to be visible by peers, bosses or clients, no information is lost becomes.

Do you want to know the best method? There is no single possible path when it comes to internet work . It is advisable to explore the existing platforms for remote work and choose, among all of them, the most functional according to your own need.

The most productive platforms to work remotely

The day-to-day work is benefited when the most appropriate programs are used to work remotely . Not all serve the same purpose or have the same functionalities. Some collaborate in time management, others in customer storage, some tools are aimed at team communication and others at managing spaces for collaborative ideas.

Here we detail the 7 most used platforms to work remotely

1. Trello

It is an application to manage team tasks . It is simple, intuitive and you can even open boards to organize your own life beyond work. It allows note-taking so that it is a common tool for work at all times.

platforms to work remotely
Trello has an entertaining user interface.

Since it allows the generation of different boards, it is specially chosen to carry out different projects simultaneously. Being very visual, you can see on the screen how each project is progressing and in what stage it is. In addition, it allows the management of attachments so it is very useful for organizing job deliveries.

2. Asana

It is also a tool to enhance the organization and productivity of a team. It is very frequently used with work groups that are scattered around the world. Tasks are created and distributed, also working through boards, schedules and calendars.

It is a very useful tool to centralize information and very useful due to the versatility it has in being able to connect with other applications such as Slack, Google Calendar, Google Drive.

3. Skype

It has been in the online communication market for many years and its use had been put aside a bit with the advancement of new technologies, but with the arrival of the pandemic it regained prominence.

Its consolidation is due in part to the security it provides to communications, as well as the rapid integration it has with Microsoft Office tools. It is one of the preferable tools when looking to generate closed communication circuits.

4. Microsoft Teams

When conferences, video calls and virtual meetings become common currency, the use of Teams is a quality alternative since it is very easy to access through different devices.

It has free and paid versions. In this last category, more people can be admitted, such as when you want to hold a conference or provide more tools such as dividing into groups when working on a joint project.

5. Slack

This platform is defined as “the place for remote work”. This is because it brings together the known uses of any online messaging service but is enhanced since it adds integration with tools such as spreadsheets, forms, etc.

platforms to work remotely
Another of the most popular online job platforms is Slack.

An entire company can be connected through Slack but it is not necessary to talk to everyone simultaneously because groups can be generated according to sectors, projects or specific needs. It is an intuitive and agile tool for communication and work.

6. Google Drive

Perhaps better known as the default storage space for content associated with a Gmail account, Google Drive unleashed its full potential with the increase in teleworking . It is a tool that not only allows file sharing, but also offers the possibility of working simultaneously on documents and spreadsheets.

The integration it has with many data processing tools, as well as the rapid update it offers in the cloud, makes it the favorite of many of those who work online.

7. Dropbox

Quite similar to Google Drive, it is a storage platform more oriented to those who work with the Office package. Its latest updates allow the editing of online content in a collaborative way.

“The folders that are created in this platform can be easily shared and the updates that are carried out within the space are overwritten on top of each other.”

Do you already know which platforms are the best for your work?

As we saw, some of the functionalities of the platforms to work remotely are repeating themselves. For this reason, it is important to have a global sample of each one and then adopt the one that best suits the work carried out through the internet.

As a way of deciding, it is advisable to make a list of all the needs that you have as a work team and then go to investigate each of the applications and see if they respond to that particular request. Sometimes a single platform will give a comprehensive answer and, other times, it will be necessary to combine several of them to promote teleworking.

In any case, remote work is here to stay and it is a good decision to start concentrating energy to optimize it and make it really efficient for the productivity of companies, businesses, industries and more.

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