How to take advantage of technology without exhausting workers

The key is to generate a balance between the use of these tools with private life and work, and to create certain practices to regulate their use.

Instagram, WhatsApp and e-mails play a fundamental role in the workplace. Massive technologies have become an ally for everyone, and this has been proven during the pandemic, a fact agreed upon by various specialists in the employment market. However, the lack of control of these tools could generate problems and complex situations of work-life balance.

According to Sebastián López Sacco, chief psychology officer (CPO) of Nawaiam, who assures that these technological platforms are the new ways of communicating on a large scale and instantaneously in the information society, he indicates that “this way of transmitting messages a few years ago was unthinkable. Instagram, for example, makes it possible to communicate products with clients and prospects in a massive, attractive and visual way. WhatsApp makes it possible to establish agile communications if its use is correct and conscious. E-mail allows documenting communications without the need for physical space to store paper documents, thus favoring ecology. Technology used in the right way is a great ally for the development of work”.

However, the use of these information channels must be managed efficiently so that the expected results are optimal. That is why it is important to identify at what times or in what situations it is better to use one tool or another.

“An email can be of great importance to document a communication, while WhatsApp is very useful to solve situations in a concrete way and with short messages. Many times the excess of seconds or minutes in audio messages can turn the tool into something tedious and not agile for whoever receives it. Therefore, it is important to be pragmatic, empathetic, concise and not to overuse this communication channel”, says the Nawaiam executive.

Technology offers several options to communicate, but it is its use that generates learning about the knowledge of them. It is crucial that people stop to think about what I want to say, how and why is an exercise that we must do to understand what is the best channel or tool to communicate and how.

As to whether these tools can become invasive elements of private life after the working day, it is quite possible and the solution lies in setting limits. It is advisable from establishing schedules and rules in its use to taking breaks and brief times of distraction in the middle of teleworking.

It is crucial that companies do not abuse these digital resources with their workers to avoid generating negative or adverse effects on their health and performance: excessive use of digital tools can generate great exhaustion, low productivity, lack of concentration and demotivation among others.

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